Best viewed in 800x600 or higher
This is beginning of the era of the Cybers. Warfare
has become very devastating and even more complicated than before.
There are 3 fronts of land, sea, and air now
to contend with. Each front has its own challenges as well. Units also
more specialized with units for attacking specific
types of targets (gameplay-wise at least). Air fighters are for attacking
targets while fighter/bombers attack air and
ground while bombers attack only ground. And now, with the addition of
of the cyber lineup, even more specialization
is going on. For Civilization Specific Powers, Novaya Russia gains the
to use Missile Silos in this epoch. In the air,
get used to the fighter and atomic bomber combo but the fighter may get
replaced by the Helicopter or better yet, the
Ares cyber, depending on the player's taste. In the water, Carriers with
Nautilus Subs are now a common sight with possibly
some Trident Submarines hanging around for protection now. On the
ground, Spy Satellites as spotters for artillery
and some ranged infantry units. Tanks now provide support for artillery
and the Skywatcher for defense against air attacks.
Wood is needed in this epoch but is becoming less
needed overall. Food is needed again with those hungry cyber
scientists sucking down the groceries and also
for Citizens and Infantry plus epoching up. Wood is needed for boats,
farming, and buildings. Gold is needed as well.
Iron is needed as much as gold now. With air warfare, walls and towers
are becoming much less important but can still
be helpful on many maps. With the advent of artillery that can fire over
walls though, the wall security of yesteryear
is not as good. Iron and gold are the big necessities now and until the
of time (the last epoch ends in ? but starts
in 2200).
Remember too, more options means you need more resources.
Unit resource breakdowns:
A-10 (Warthog) Anti-Tank Plane = gold & iron
Apollo = food & iron
Ares = food & gold
Anti-Missile Battery = gold & iron
Avenger - Carrier Plane = gold & iron
B-122 Wyvern Bomber = gold & iron
Battleship - Leviathan = gold & wood
Canine Scout = food
Carrier - Nexus = gold & wood
Citizen = food
Colossus Artillery = iron & wood
Cruiser - Sagittarian = gold & wood
Fishing Boat - Digital = wood
Frigate - Juggernaut = iron & wood
Furies = food & iron
Gladiator Tank = food & iron
Heavy Mortar = food & gold
Hyperion = food & gold
Jackal Fighter = gold & iron
Medic - Digital = food & gold
Minotaur = food & gold
Nautilus Submarine = iron & wood
Paladin Cannon = iron & wood
Pandora = food & gold
Pegasus Transport = gold & iron
Priest = food & gold
Prophet = food & gold
Reaper Gunship = gold & iron
Sea King Helicopter = gold & iron
Sentinel = food & iron
Skywatcher = food & iron
Spectre AT (Anti-Tank) = gold & iron
Spy Satellite = gold & iron
Stinger Soldier = food & gold
Talon Fighter/Bomber = gold & iron
Tempest = food & iron
Thor AT Gun = gold & wood
Titan Atomic Bomber = gold & iron
Transport - Gargantua = wood
Trident Submarine = gold & iron
Building resource breakdowns
AA Missile Tower = gold & wood
Airport = wood
Barracks = wood
Cyber Factory = wood
Cyber Laboratory = wood
Dock = wood
Farm = wood
Fortress = wood
Granary = wood
Hospital = stone & wood
House = stone & wood
Naval Yard = wood
Settlement = wood
Siege Factory = wood
Tank Factory = wood
Temple = stone & wood
Tower = stone
University = stone & wood
Wall/Gate = stone
Wonders can also be built (see here for description)
Coliseum = gold & stone & wood
Ishtar Gates = iron & stone & wood
Library of Alexandria = gold & stone &
Pharos Lighthouse = iron & stone & wood
Temple of Zeus = iron & stone & wood
Tower of Babylon = gold & stone & wood
To start out, you'll need a couple Citizens
which you should start out with. Next objective is to build a
Town Center
as needed.
To upgrade
from a Settlement to a Town Center requires 5
Citizens to populate the Settlement. After 10 Citizens populate a Town
it becomes a Capitol. Adding more citizens adds
a bigger morale bonus. From a Town Center or a Capitol (but not a
Settlement) you can produce more Citizens or
even the Canine Scout
which can go through trees and makes a decent
unit to "see what the Joneses are up to". Got
to keep up with those Joneses you know.
Also, try to keep a Settlement, Town Center or
Capitol near resources so that the resources are gathered
faster. Don't make the citizens have to walk
too far.
In this epoch starts something that may be confusing
to some. The Spy Satellite
is built at the Town Center
and Capitol. The icon for this is
which looks the same as an upgrade icon. It is a unit though and not an
upgrade. It is
located at the right side before the upgrades.
The Spy Satellite is a great asset for scouting. It is also the only unit
that can go
into space before the Space Epoch (XV). It helps
to provide a line of sight for artillery pieces and other long range units
as well as a scout unit.
Next is the house .
The house makes your units stronger and more durable within range of the
Houses help improve your defenses. Town Centers
and Capitols also provide defensive bonuses as well.
There is one upgrade in this epoch but ONLY in
the original Empire Earth. This upgrade is not available in
The Art of Conquest Expansion. Self-Sufficiency
increases hunting and foraging rates.
Towers, Walls & Gates (defense)
After you get your economy going with food and
wood production/collection, you'll want to start thinking about your defensive
and military options. For defense, you need to
make a choice between weaker wooden palisades, which are easier to make
but not as durable, or the more durable stone
variety. Unless tapped for stone, I recommend the stone defenses. In a
though use the wooden palisades. Remember also
that wood burns and there is the Prophet's Fire Storm. The ability to create
a gate from 5 inline walls exists. Walls should
be used to slow down the enemy and are fairly quick and inexpensive to
Walls can't fight back like Towers can but do
serve well to slow down an enemy from getting to a place you don't want
to be. Also take note, trees and other obstacles
make great boundaries for your village, town, and eventual (hopefully)
prosperous city. Also note that Carthage's Pathfinding*
ability negates this boundary strategy in The Art of Conquest
Expansion. If coming from the Modern Epoch (XII)
you will need to upgrade from Concrete Towers, Walls, and Gates to
Laser Towers, Walls, and Gates at the Town Center
or Capitol .
In all epochs, the Priests
and Prophets
are made
at the Temple. The safeguard against Priests is the University.
Units within range of a University can not be
converted by Priests. Prophets can not do their 'voodoo' around a temple
there is protection against Prophets if you plan
out making Temples for protection. Priests work well as defense now since
the Universities your opponent probably has up
cancel out any attack abilities. They are nice as defense though because
enemy comes into your camp and you get new units
(even over your Pop Cap). The Prophet is still as useful as ever.
Launch some of those 'voodoo' whoodoos when the
opportunity arises then go back and recharge afterwards.
There is one upgrade available in the Digital
Epoch. Virtual Services
increases the Priest's speed.
Sergei Molotov
is the Warrior Hero. Alexi Septimus
is the Strategist Hero.
See chapter XI in the Empire Earth manual for
more information on heroes.
This is a very powerful building that produces
powerful units. Fighters help keep the skies clean and bombers massively
blow stuff up. Planes are fragile units but are
also very devastating as well. There are four types of planes available
but now
there are helicopters thrown in as well. The
first plane is the Jackal Fighter
which rules the air. The next plane is the
Talon Fighter/Bomber
which can attack land and air but is not as damaging at either attack as
the fighter
or bomber are. Next is another type of plane,
the A-10 (Warthog) . Next is
the B-122 Wyvern Bomber
which blows up ground units but can't fight against
air units. Finally is the new REALLY devastating plane,
the Titan Atomic Bomber ,
be sure to watch the mushroom cloud of this one.
You'll know this one by the gigantic flash of light beforehand. Kaboom!
Next comes the helicopters. Helicopters repair
when hovering over an airport but don't have to refuel like planes do.
Therefore helicopters make great raiding units.
First is the Sea King which
is great against submarines. Next
is the Pegasus Transport
which transports units. Next is the Spectre AT
And finally,
the Reaper Gunship .
If coming from the previous epoch (XII) then you'll
need to upgrade the F-15
to the Jackal Fighter,
the F-117 to the Talon Fighter/Bomber, the B-2
to the B-122 Wyvern Bomber, the B-52 to the Titan Atomic Bomber,
the Helicopter Transport to the Pegasus Transport,
the Helicopter AT to the Spectre AT, and the
Helicopter Gunship to the Reaper Gunship.
The first Barracks unit is the Sentinel .
Another unit is the Heavy Mortar
Next is the Stinger Soldier
And finally, the useful Medic
which heals units on the go instead of units having to go to the Hospital
all the time (room
service). Also, if you noticed a large poster
that shipped with the game, there is a unit relationship chart included.
Learn the
unit relationships for better gameplay. In this
epoch, things change a bit from previous epochs. It is a good idea to build
several of each type to be prepared for any attack.
You need to make the decision though of which road to take. Also,
don't forget the improvements to hit points,
speed, range and such. Improved units usually slaughter unimproved units.
Improvements and upgrades give the advantage.
If coming from the Atomic - Modern (XII) then you will need to
the Medic - Atomic to the Medic - Digital.
Cyber Factory
The Cyber Factory is new to this epoch. This
building produces 'basic' cybers but each cyber has its advantages
and disadvantages. See the enclosed Tech Tree
foldout poster for unit relationships (or buy the strategy guide as well
for more detailed listings). The first cyber
is the Ares which is an air
unit making it very useful since many units
can't fire at air units. The second cyber is
the Pandora . The third
is the Hyperion
has the ability
to travel through the water. The last unit (in
this epoch at least) is the Minotaur .
Cyber Laboratory
The Cyber Laboratory produces the 'unique cybers'
that have special abilities. These aren't typical war machines but
more 'finesse' machines that have awesome powers
if used properly. Consult the Empire Earth manual for a description
of these powers at the end of chapter VIII (page
118 if you want a shortcut here). The first cyber (and the first one that
should be produced from here) is the Apollo
which is not only an air unit but also 'heals' or better yet fixes your
other cybers. You do want to have a few of these
around when possible. The Apollo also has the Diffraction Shield
and Ion Pulse (another useful weapon) abilities.
The next unit is the Furies
which is a robotic Kamikaze unit. Send
it off to beat on a wall for a while, and if
the enemy 'kills' it, it will explode as well as the regular damage it
caused from
just beating on the wall. It has an attack in
addition to Self-Destruct, so use the attack first, THEN blow it up. You
much more damage that way out of it. The last
unit is the Tempest which
has a nasty attack in addition to its
'Prophet-like' Resonator and Anti-Matter Storm
abilities. That sword of his ain't just for decoration.
Note that in The Art of Conquest Expansion, you
need to be using a water map and not a space map to use the water.
Running low on food? Try building a few Fishing
Boats to pick up
some extra food. Do you want to storm the
beaches of another island? Try building some
Transports to carry
your land troops across the water.
Next you have a full range of ships available
to build but like other units, there are unit relationships where one unit
an advantage against another while having a weakness
against another. The Battleship
really shines out of
all the ships to be built. Frigates
have an attack against Submarines but are weak against Battleships. Another
unit is the Cruiser
which can attack air units such as the balloon. Battleships will usually
be the main unit of
your navy though because they are pretty durable
but are also a bit expensive. If coming from the previous
Modern Epoch (XII) then you will need to upgrade
the Fishing Boat - Trawler to the Fishing Boat - Digital,
the Transport - Atomic to the Transport - Gargantua,
the Frigate Warrington to the Frigate - Juggernaut,
the Battleship - Bismarck to the Battleship -
Leviathan, and the Cruiser - Dardo to the Cruiser - Sagittarian.
Naval Yard
The Naval Yard produces the 'exotic' navy items
of Submarines and Carriers. One is the Nautilus Submarine
which is excellent against ships and boats. Another
Submarine is the Trident Submarine
which launches a
'cruise-type' missile that attacks land targets.
Submarines are at a big disadvantage against the Frigate and Sea King Helicopter
however. The other item is the Nexus Carrier
which produces Avenger Planes
which are
fighter/bomber planes that attack land, sea and
air targets. Avengers combined with the Carriers mobility on water means
trouble. Basically, the carrier is a mobile airfield
that can support up to 15 Avenger Fighter/Bomber type planes. Land planes
at the Airport can NOT land on carriers since
land planes are not designed for use on Carriers and Carrier Planes (Avengers)
can NOT land at Airports. There is also a helicopter
that can be produced here as well as at the Airport, the Sea King
Helicopter which attacks subs. If coming from
the Atomic - Modern Epoch (XII) you will need to upgrade
the Carrier - Enterprise to the Carrier - Nexus,
and the F-14 to the Avenger.
Siege Factory
The first unit is the Thor AT Gun .
The next is the Paladin Cannon
And finally the
Colossus Artillery .
The Thor Anti-Tank Gun is good against Tanks. The Howitzer is a wall crusher.
And the
Colossus Artillery is another wall crusher. It
is open to your style of play as to how you wish to attack your opponent's
defenses. Siege weapons are to take out or bypass
enemy defenses. A common tactic is to combine these units with Tanks
so the Tanks provide protection for the fragile
but very damaging cannons. If coming from the Atomic - Modern Epoch (XII)
then you will need to upgrade
from 120mm AT Gun to the Thor AT Gun, the Howitzer Cannon to the Paladin
and the Artillery to the Colossus Artillery.
Tank Factory
Tanks are slow but durable attack weapons. The
only 'tank' now is the Gladiator Tank .
The next unit is the
which is a mobile anti-air unit. The last unit is the Anti-Missile Battery
which is very
fragile but a must have unit if facing off against
anyone using missile bases since it is the only unit that can defend against
the 'ICBM' type missiles launched from Missile
Bases. If facing off against Novaya Russia then the Anti-Missile Battery
is a must have unit. Otherwise, in random map
games, it won't be needed. Skywatcher are mobile Anti-Air (AA) units.
coming from the Modern Epoch (XII) you will need
to upgrade the M1 Tank
to the Gladiator Tank,
and the Flak Halftrak to the Skywatcher.
Support Buildings
Anti-Aircraft Artillery
The AA (Anti-Aircraft) Missile Tower is an immobile
ground based defense against aircraft.
Ever think about getting a bunch of units ahead
so that you don't have to wait around to build units after an enemy starts
invading the crap out of you non stop? With Fortresses,
you can stockpile pre-built armies so that you can in essence build
over your Pop Cap. All units stored inside a
Fortress do not count against your Pop Cap so you can then build more units.
you are at or over your Pop Cap, you can use
Fortresses to store up soldiers for that rainy day. As your outside units
getting slaughtered, just pull units out of the
Fortress(es). Instant pre-built reserves. You need to protect these structures
though, because if they are destroyed while you
are at your Pop Cap, the units inside a Fortress die (but if any gap in
Pop Cap, units are automatically jettisoned from
the building on a last in - first out basis).
Granaries are needed to make farms. If placed
well, one Granary can plant the seeds for 8 farms all around it. There
is also
an option on the Granary to replant farms should
any be destroyed. Farms have PILES of food and can also be populated
like Settlements/Town Centers/Capitols. When
8 Citizens populate a Granary, the size of the Granary increases. Each
Citizen populating a Granary (up to 8) helps
to increase food production.
Hospitals help heal your units when they get
hurt in battle. Within a certain range of a Hospital, units start healing
with a green dot graphic). You should probably
place a Hospital just behind the lines so that it doesn't get destroyed
but also
so that it is easier to get to for your hurt
There is one upgrade at the Hospital in this epoch.
Genetic Engineering
increases the Citizen's and Canine Scout's
hit points and the Citizen's attack values.
The University is for advanced research projects.
There is only one upgrade at the University this
epoch. Digital Library
the University's range.
Civilizations and their bonuses (bonuses vary between different versions/updates)
Note: How to determine which bonuses are right
for you? Look at how you plan to play the battle. If you plan on walling
yourself in then the Civ - Economy (stone) bonus
plus the Civ - Buildings, Walls & Towers bonuses will help out. If
you plan
on using lots of Priests then Religion - Priest
bonuses and Civ - Economy (gold) bonuses are the way to go. Each
has its advantages and disadvantages throughout
each epoch and each map type. Island maps will require ships and ships
require wood, gold, and iron so not only the
Ship bonuses but also Civ - Economy (wood, gold, iron) help as well. There
no perfect civilization and even picking a civilization
that may seem 'handicapped' usually does not decide a game's fate same
as picking a seemingly advantaged civilization
does not decide either, but it can help if facing a similar opponent and
any edge
you can get over some one else is a good thing
I feel. The nice part of Empire Earth is that the game structure
allows for
miscalculations without any severe penalties.
The other player's Ships may have better range but yours are faster so
the range
advantage is not very useful now because with
the speed, the shots now miss most of the time. There is always a counter
everything available. Improvements give an advantage
to a certain area. Also, the beginning civilization bonuses give an early
advantage and a later advantage as well. Even
though you may start out with a civilization bonus of Infantry - Ranged
you can still improve that range more with the
unit improvement feature. So you start out with +2 but then improve twice
more at +2 each time so now the range is +6 whereas
your opponent can only upgrade range twice and didn't have the
starting Infantry - Ranged (range) bonus so can
only get to a +4 range. However, his civilization started out with a Citizens
Fishing Boats (speed) bonus so he can therefore
get more resources faster. More resources = faster and larger army
production. See how that works?
Also, a breakdown on how the bonus system can be applied to units.
Aircraft - Bombers = B-122 Wyvern & Titan
& A-10
Aircraft - Fighters = Jackal Fighter & Talon
Fighter/Bomber & Avenger Fighter/Bomber
Aircraft - Helicopters = Sea King Helicopter
& Pegasus Transport & Spectre AT & Reaper Gunship
Civ - Building, Walls & Towers = defensive
bonuses & AA Missile Tower
Cybers - Combat = Ares & Hyperion & Minotaur
& Pandora
Cybers - Ultra = Apollo & Furies & Tempest
Field Cannon & Anti-Tank Guns = Thor AT Gun
Infantry - Ranged = Sentinel & Heavy Mortar
Religion - Priests = Priest & Medic - Digital
Religion - Prophets = Prophet
Ships - Battleships & Carriers = Battleship
- Leviathan & Carrier - Nexus
Ships - Frigates & Cruisers = Frigate - Juggernaut
& Cruiser - Sagittarian
Ships - Galleys, Transports & Subs = Transport
- Gargantua & Nautilus Submarine & Trident Submarine
Siege Weapons & Mobile AA = Paladin Cannon
& Colossus Artillery & Skywatcher & Stinger Soldier
Tanks = Gladiator Tank
Economy bonuses are always good as are Citizen
bonuses too.
Ancient Greece = Citizens &
Fishing Boats (speed), Civ - Economy (gold, hunting & foraging), Civ
- General
(conversion resistance), Ships - Frigates &
Cruisers (attack, range), Siege Weapons & Mobile AA (attack, cost,
rate of fire)
Assyrian Empire = Citizens
& Fishing Boats (range), Civ - Buildings, Walls & Towers (build
time, hit points),
Civ - Economy (farming, hunting & foraging),
Civ - General (pop cap)
Babylon = Citizens & Fishing
Boats (hit points), Civ - Buildings, Walls & Towers (range), Civ -
Economy (stone, wood),
Religion - Prophets (range, speed)
Byzantine Rome = Citizens &
Fishing Boats (build time), Civ - Buildings, Walls & Towers (cost,
hit points),
Civ - Economy (farming), Civ - General (pop cap),
Infantry - Ranged (range, speed), Ships - Battleships & Carriers
(attack, build time)
Carthage = Citizens & Fishing
Boats (cost), Civ - Economy (fishing, stone), Civ - General (mountain combat),
Infantry - Ranged (armor, cost), Ships - Galleys,
Transports & Subs (cost, range)
Kingdom of Israel = Citizens &
Fishing Boats (build time), Civ - Economy (fishing, iron), Religion Priests
(build time, cost,
hit points), Religion - Prophets (hit points,
range), Ships - Battleships & Carriers (attack), Ships - Frigates &
Cruisers (attack),
Ships - Galleys, Transports & Subs (attack)
Austria = Citizens & Fishing
Boats (attack, cost), Civ - Economy (hunting & foraging), Civ - General
resistance), Field Cannon & Anti-Tank Guns
(armor, build time, hit points)
England = Citizens & Fishing
Boats (build time), Civ - Buildings, Walls & Towers (cost, range),
Civ - Economy (fishing,
gold), Infantry - Ranged (hit points, range),
Ships - Battleships & Carriers (attack, build time),
Siege Weapons & Mobile AA (hit points, rate
of fire)
Franks = Civ - Buildings, Walls
& Towers (attack, cost), Civ - Economy (gold, wood), Civ - General
resistance), Religion - Prophets (cost, range),
Siege Weapons & Mobile AA (attack, hit points)
Kingdom of Italy = Citizens &
Fishing Boats (cost), Civ - Buildings, Walls & Towers (build time,
hit points),
Civ - Economy (stone), Civ - General (mountain
combat), Infantry - Ranged (cost, hit points), Religion - Priests (hit
range, speed), Ships - Frigates & Cruisers
Ottoman Empire = Citizens &
Fishing Boats (build time, speed), Civ - Economy (farming, stone),
Civ - General (pop cap), Field Cannon & Anti-Tank
Guns (build time, cost), Religion - Priests (cost, hit points)
Spain = Citizens & Fishing
Boats (speed), Civ - Buildings, Walls & Towers (range), Civ - Economy
(farming, iron),
Civ - General (mountain combat), Infantry - Ranged
(attack, build time, hit points), Religion - Priests (hit points, range),
Ships - Galleys, Transports & Subs (attack,
cost, hit points)
France = Citizens & Fishing
Boats (hit points, range), Civ - Buildings, Walls & Towers (attack,
hit points, range),
Civ - Economy (gold, wood), Field Cannon &
Anti-Tank Guns (build time, range), Infantry - Ranged
(attack, range)
Germany = Aircraft - Bombers (cost,
flight time), Aircraft - Fighters (attack, build time, hit points), Citizens
& Fishing Boats
(cost, hit points), Civ - Economy (stone), Ships
- Galleys, Transports & Subs (attack, hit points, range),
Tanks (armor, attack, hit points)
Great Britain = Aircraft - Fighters
(build time, cost, range), Citizens & Fishing Boats (speed), Civ -
Buildings, Walls &
Towers (attack, build time, range), Civ - Economy
(gold, hunting & foraging), Field Cannon & Anti-Tank Guns
(attack, hit points, speed), Ships - Frigates
& Cruisers (build time, hit points, speed)
Italy = Aircraft - Helicopters
& Balloons (build time, range, speed), Civ - Buildings, Walls &
Towers (attack, build time,
range), Civ - Economy (farming, stone), Civ -
General (conversion resistance), Field Cannon & Anti-Tank Guns (range),
Infantry - Ranged (build time, cost), Siege Weapons
& Mobile AA (attack, hit points, rate of fire)
Russia = Citizens & Fishing
Boats (build time), Civ - Buildings, Walls & Towers (attack), Civ -
(fishing, iron), Civ - General (pop cap), Infantry
- Ranged (build time, hit points), Ships - Frigates & Cruisers (cost),
Siege Weapons & Mobile AA (area damage, range),
Tanks (armor, range)
United States = Aircraft - Bombers
(attack, flight time, speed), Aircraft - Fighters (flight time, range),
Aircraft - Helicopters &
Balloons (hit points), Citizens & Fishing
Boats (attack, speed), Civ - Buildings, Walls & Towers (build time,
Civ - Economy (gold, iron), Civ - General (pop
cap), Ships - Battleships & Carriers (hit points, range), Tanks (cost)
China = Aircraft - Fighters (cost),
Aircraft - Helicopters & Balloons (attack, build time, hit points),
Citizens & Fishing Boats
(cost), Civ - Economy (farming), Civ - General
(pop cap), Cybers - Ultra (armor, build time, hit points), Field Cannon
Anti-Tank Guns (armor, cost, hit points), Ships
- Galleys, Transports & Subs (attack), Tanks (attack)
Novaya Russia = Citizens &
Fishing Boats (cost, hit points), Civ - Buildings, Walls & Towers (hit
range), Civ - Economy (wood), Cybers - Combat
(attack, range, speed), Cybers - Ultra (cost, hit points, speed),
Siege Weapons & Mobile AA (hit points, range,
rate of fire)
Rebel Forces = Aircraft - Bombers
(hit points, speed), Citizens & Fishing Boats (build time, range),
Civ - Buildings, Walls &
Towers (hit points), Civ - Economy (iron), Civ
- General (mountain combat), Cybers - Combat (hit points, range),
Infantry - Ranged (attack, range), Tanks (attack,
Japan = Citizens & Fishing
Boats (speed), Civ - Economy (iron), Civ - General (pop cap), Cybers -
(build time, cost), Cybers - Ultra (cost), Infantry
- Ranged (armor, speed), Tanks (build time, speed)
Korea = Aircraft - Fighters (attack,
hit points), Civ - Economy (gold), Civ - General (mountain combat),
Cybers - Combat (attack), Field Cannon &
Anti-Tank Guns (build time), Infantry - Ranged (armor, hit points),
Siege Weapons & Mobile AA (range, rate of
fire), Tanks (attack)
Civilization Specific Powers*
For the Digital epoch, these civilizations have these powers:
Assyrian Empire = Slavery (I-XV)
Babylon = Priest Towers (I-XV)
Byzantine Rome = Insurance (I-XV)
Carthage = Pathfinding (I-XV)
Kingdom of Israel = Emissaries (I-XV)
Austria = Adaptation (III-XV)
England = Exploration (I-XV)
Kingdom of Italy = Metallurgy (I-XV)
Ottoman Empire = Expansionism (I-XV)
France = Camouflage (I-XV)
Great Britain = SAS Commando (X-XV)
Italy = Paratroopers (XI-XV)
Russia = Advanced Mining (I-XV)
United States = Market (X-XV)
China = Just In Time Manufacturing (I-XV)
Novaya Russia = Missile Base (XIII-XV)
Rebel Forces = Cloaking (I-XV)
Korea = Fanaticism (I-XV)
* denotes unit/building only available in the Empire Earth - The Art of Conquest add-on pack.
note: For those that may remember, black was the
screen color with green colored diodes on older calculators
(after replacing the red diodes before them).