Best viewed in 800x600 or higher
In the Stone Epoch, there isn't a whole lot to
do except try to advance to another epoch (if available). This epoch is
basic and
pretty straightforward as far as strategies.
You have a few options available but still not that many. You can't do
any farming,
very limited military, and slow resource gathering.
On a positive note, you can now play in the water and have the Archery
Range available. A good Combo is the Spearman
and Slinger combo or Spearman and Rock Thrower combo.
Food and wood are the big necessities in this
epoch. Food is limited since no farming and only hunting and foraging.
Wood is
needed for rafts (not able to build boats yet)
and buildings. Gold is needed as well now. Stone is for defense and iron
still is
not as useful as the other resources. Iron does
help if there is a sea map though because the War Raft can be useful for
the seas. You can also fish so food isn't as
limited as the Prehistoric Epoch but is still limited.
Unit resource breakdowns:
Canine Scout = food
Citizen = food
Clubman = food & iron
Fishing Raft = wood
Priest = food & gold
Prophet = food & gold
Rock Thrower = food & gold
Sampson = gold & wood
Slinger = gold & wood
Spearman = food & iron
Transport Raft = wood
War Raft = iron & wood
Building resource breakdowns
Archery Range = wood
Barracks = wood
Dock = wood
House = stone & wood
Settlement = wood
Temple = stone & wood
Tower = stone
To start out, you'll need a couple Citizens
which you should start out with. Next objective is to build a
Town Center
then Capitol
as needed. To upgrade
from a Settlement to a Town Center requires 5
Citizens to populate the Settlement. After 10 Citizens populate a Town
it becomes a Capitol. Adding more citizens adds
a bigger morale bonus. From a Town Center or a Capitol (but not a
Settlement) you can produce more Citizens or
even the Canine Scout
which can go through trees and makes a decent
unit to "see what the Joneses are up to". Got
to keep up with those Joneses you know.
Also, try to keep a Settlement, Town Center or
Capitol near resources so that the resources are gathered
faster. Don't make the citizens have to walk
too far.
Next is the house .
The house makes your units stronger and more durable within range of the
house. Houses help
improve your defenses. Town Centers and Capitols
also provide defensive bonuses as well.
There is an upgrade available in the Town Center
or Capitol during the Stone Epoch called Hafted Tools .
This upgrade
makes stone mining faster.
The Babylon Priest Tower "rush" in epochs I and II*
Many people have panicked because of the lack
of a university to 'protect' you from conversion by these
buildings. Priests are mobile and can reconvert
or convert. Build a Temple and a few Priests to protect
against this. If your opponent didn't think to
build Temples nearby these buildings then by all means
make a Prophet and use Earthquake to take down
the tower(s). A Babylon Priest Tower can only try
to convert one unit at a time. Also, if your
opponent does happen to put up a tower close to one of
your producing buildings (Capitol, Town Center,
or Barracks) just set a rally point away from the tower
so that units produced don't get converted just
standing around. If a Priest Tower gets set up around
one of your resource areas, have some Rock Throwers
combined with Priests to take it or them out.
When one of your Rock Throwers gets close to
being converted, pull him back out of the way so
that he doesn't get converted. If a Rock Thrower
does get converted, use a Priest to convert him back.
Priests and Prophets can't be converted in the
first two epochs so don't be afraid to keep a Priest or a
Prophet hanging around Priest Towers. Also, buildings
can't be converted by Priest Towers either.
Therefore a Tower can be built close by using
the same principle of putting a Citizen near the Priest
Tower to build a Tower. When the Citizen gets
close to conversion, pull him away and bring in
another Citizen. The Priest Tower 'rush' is not
as bad as a Priest rush can be though because you can
see where a Priest Tower is and they can't move.
A Priest on the other hand can disappear to
somewhere else. The Kingdom of Israel's Priests
can be MUCH nastier because they are cloaked
(invisible). Try defending against an invisible
enemy that can sneak up and convert you. There is
always a way to combat any situation. The best
way is to use your head and think through what the
problem is and what the solution to that problem
is. there is always a unit (or two or three) that can
counter whatever your enemy throws at you.
Towers (defense)
After you get your economy going with food and
wood production/collection, you'll want to start thinking about your
defensive and military options. For defense you
have the Primitive Tower available which is very sturdy for the epoch.
Takes a lot for most of the units in the Stone
age to even dent these suckers. There are no walls though and it
takes a bit to gather the stone to put up a couple
here and there where they may protect important areas, resources
and/or buildings. Also, in the early going, these
towers can help protect against the famed "Babylon Priest Tower rush"
where someone playing as Babylon puts up a bunch
of Priest Towers to convert units. A Primitive Tower in an area
can't be converted and if the Babylon player
puts up a Priest Tower too close to a Primitive Tower, use the Primitive
Tower to beat it down. Putting up a small group
of Primitive Towers in key places can help keep out the Priest Tower
rushers. Priest Towers can't convert buildings
in the Stone Epoch. You can improve the range of Towers but
can only increase it once. Once is all you need
though. Also take note, trees and other obstacles make great boundaries
for your village, town, and eventual (hopefully)
prosperous city. Also note that Carthage's Pathfinding* ability negates
strategy in The Art of Conquest Expansion.
In all epochs, the Priests
and Prophets
are made
at the Temple. No universities in this epoch so there is
no safeguard against Priests (or Priest Towers).
Prophets can not do their 'voodoo' around a temple so there is
protection against Prophets if you plan out making
Temples for protection. Not having Universities doesn't create
a real problem against Priests though. What can
be converted can be converted back. Remember also that in
the 'Priest Tower rush' that Priest Towers can't
move whereas Priests are moving Priest Towers in a way. A
really good strategy is to make several priests
and keep them around where any Babylon Priest Tower may
be. If some of your units get converted, use
the priests to convert them right back. Priests can't convert other
Priests until a much later epoch. Priests also
can't convert Prophets. Priest Towers can't convert Priests
until a much later epoch and also can't convert
Prophets either.
There are three upgrades available in the Stone
Epoch. Ancestor Worship
increases the Temple range,
Ceremonial Burial
increases the Priest hit points, and Shamanism
increases the Prophet range.
Archery Range
Only one unit from the Archery Range, the Slinger .
The Rock Thrower is also a ranged unit so you'll
need to decide which unit you wish to go with.
With archery/ranged units, you usually want to improve the
range of the unit. Attack is also another good
improvement as well. A common tactic is to use a group of
Spearmen with increased hit points and attack
values as a protective shield for your ranged units. this way,
if units get in close, your Spearmen can take
care of them while your Slingers (ranged units) attack from a
safer distance. Slingers need to beware Clubmen
and Rock Throwers which is why you have the
Spearmen, right? Ranged -> Spear -> Sword ->
There are now some specialized units to build
at the Barracks. The basic infantry (sword) unit is still the
Clubman .
There is also the ranged Rock Thrower
as well. There are also two more units now.
The first being the Spearman .
The second new unit is the Sampson
The Sampson is good at knocking
down buildings but can't attack anything else
except buildings. Also, if you noticed a large poster that shipped with
game, there is a unit relationship chart included.
Learn the unit relationships for better gameplay. In this epoch, Clubmen
and Rock Throwers have bonuses against Slingers,
Slingers have bonuses against Spearmen, and Spearmen have
bonuses against Clubmen and Rock Throwers. It
is a good idea to build several of each type to be prepared for any
attack. To take out buildings, use Sampsons,
but you'll need to protect them first with other units. You need to make
the decision though of which road to take. Also,
don't forget the improvements to hit points, speed, range and such.
Improved units usually slaughter unimproved units.
Improvements and upgrades give the advantage.
You can now play in the water. You can't build
too much, but something is better than nothing. Note also that in
The Art of Conquest Expansion, you need to be
using a water map and not a space map to use the water.
Running low on food? Try building a few Fishing
Rafts to pick up some
extra food. Do you want to
storm the beaches of another island? Try building
some Transport Rafts
to carry your land
troops across the water. Need protection for
your Fishing Rafts and Transport Rafts? Try building some
War Rafts
for protection. Better yet, build some War Rafts so that your opponent
needs some
protection. Remember though that the more land
there is, the less of a navy you will need.
Civilizations and their bonuses
(bonuses vary between different
Note: How to determine which bonuses are right
for you? Look at how you plan to play the battle. If you plan on walling
yourself in then the Civ - Economy (stone) bonus
plus the Civ - Buildings, Walls & Towers bonuses will help out. If
you plan
on using lots of Priests then Religion - Priest
bonuses and Civ - Economy (gold) bonuses are the way to go. Each
has its advantages and disadvantages throughout
each epoch and each map type. Island maps will require ships and ships
require wood, gold, and iron so not only the
Ship bonuses but also Civ - Economy (wood, gold, iron) help as well. There
no perfect civilization and even picking a civilization
that may seem 'handicapped' usually does not decide a game's fate same
as picking a seemingly advantaged civilization
does not decide either, but it can help if facing a similar opponent and
any edge
you can get over some one else is a good thing
I feel. The nice part of Empire Earth is that the game structure
allows for
miscalculations without any severe penalties.
The other player's Ships may have better range but yours are faster so
the range
advantage is not very useful now because with
the speed, the shots now miss most of the time. There is always a counter
everything available. Improvements give an advantage
to a certain area. Also, the beginning civilization bonuses give an early
advantage and a later advantage as well. Even
though you may start out with a civilization bonus of Infantry - Ranged
you can still improve that range more with the
unit improvement feature. So you start out with +2 but then improve twice
more at +2 each time so now the range is +6 whereas
your opponent can only upgrade range twice and didn't have the
starting Infantry - Ranged (range) bonus so can
only get to a +4 range. However, his civilization started out with a Citizens
Fishing Boats (speed) bonus so he can therefore
get more resources faster. More resources = faster and larger army
production. See how that works?
Also, a breakdown on how the bonus system can be applied to units.
Archers - Foot = Slinger
Civ - Building, Walls & Towers = defensive
Infantry - Ranged = Rock Thrower
Infantry - Spear = Spearman
Infantry - Sword = Clubman
Religion - Priests = Priest
Religion - Prophets = Prophet
Ships - Frigates & Cruisers = War Raft
Ships - Galleys, Transports & Subs = Transport
Siege Weapons & Mobile AA = Sampsons
Economy bonuses are always good as are Citizen
bonuses too.
Ancient Greece = Citizens &
Fishing Boats (speed), Civ - Economy (gold, hunting & foraging), Civ
- General
(conversion resistance), Infantry - Spear (attack,
hit points, speed), Ships - Frigates & Cruisers (attack, range),
Siege Weapons & Mobile AA (attack, cost,
rate of fire)
Assyrian Empire = Archers - Foot
(attack, speed), Citizens & Fishing Boats (range), Civ - Buildings,
& Towers (build time, hit points), Civ -
Economy (hunting & foraging), Civ - General (pop cap)
Babylon = Archers - Foot (hit points,
range speed), Citizens & Fishing Boats (hit points), Civ - Buildings,
Walls & Towers (range), Civ - Economy (stone,
wood), Infantry - Spear (build time, hit points, speed),
Religion - Prophets (range, speed)
Byzantine Rome = Citizens &
Fishing Boats (build time), Civ - Buildings, Walls & Towers (cost,
hit points),
Civ - General (pop cap), Infantry - Ranged (range,
speed), Infantry - Sword (attack, hit points, speed)
Carthage = Citizens & Fishing
Boats (cost), Civ - Economy (fishing, stone), Civ - General (mountain combat),
Infantry - Ranged (armor, cost), Ships - Galleys,
Transports & Subs (cost)
Kingdom of Israel = Archers - Foot
(armor, hit points, range), Citizens & Fishing Boats (build time),
Civ - Economy (fishing, iron), Infantry - Sword
(hit points, speed), Religion Priests (build time, cost, hit points),
Religion - Prophets (hit points, range), Ships
- Frigates & Cruisers (attack)
Austria = Citizens & Fishing
Boats (attack, cost), Civ - Economy (hunting & foraging), Civ - General
(conversion resistance), Infantry - Spear (attack,
hit points, speed)
England = Archers - Foot (range,
cost, build time), Citizens & Fishing Boats (build time), Civ - Buildings,
Walls & Towers (cost, range), Civ - Economy
(fishing, gold), Infantry - Ranged (hit points, range),
Siege Weapons & Mobile AA (hit points, rate
of fire)
Franks = Civ - Buildings, Walls
& Towers (attack, cost), Civ - Economy (gold, wood), Civ - General
(conversion resistance), Religion - Prophets
(cost, range), Siege Weapons & Mobile AA (attack, hit points)
Kingdom of Italy = Citizens &
Fishing Boats (cost), Civ - Buildings, Walls & Towers (build time,
hit points),
Civ - Economy (stone), Civ - General (mountain
combat), Infantry - Ranged (cost, hit points), Religion - Priests
(hit points, range, speed), Ships - Frigates
& Cruisers (attack)
Ottoman Empire = Citizens &
Fishing Boats (build time, speed), Civ - Economy (stone), Civ - General
(pop cap),
Religion - Priests (cost, hit points)
Spain = Citizens & Fishing
Boats (speed), Civ - Buildings, Walls & Towers (range), Civ - Economy
Civ - General (mountain combat), Infantry - Ranged
(attack, build time, hit points), Infantry - Spear (armor,
attack, hit points), Religion - Priests (hit
points, range), Ships - Galleys, Transports & Subs (cost, hit points)
France = Citizens & Fishing
Boats (hit points, range), Civ - Buildings, Walls & Towers (attack,
hit points, range),
Civ - Economy (gold, wood), Infantry - Ranged
(attack, range)
Germany = Citizens & Fishing
Boats (cost, hit points), Civ - Economy (stone), Ships - Galleys, Transports
& Subs (hit points)
Great Britain = Citizens &
Fishing Boats (speed), Civ - Buildings, Walls & Towers (attack, build
time, range),
Civ - Economy (gold, hunting & foraging),
Ships - Frigates & Cruisers (build time, hit points, speed)
Italy = Civ - Buildings, Walls
& Towers (attack, build time, range), Civ - Economy (stone), Civ -
(conversion resistance), Infantry - Ranged (build
time, cost), Siege Weapons & Mobile AA
(attack, hit points, rate of fire)
Russia = Citizens & Fishing
Boats (build time), Civ - Buildings, Walls & Towers (attack), Civ -
(fishing, iron), Civ - General (pop cap), Infantry
- Ranged (build time, hit points), Ships - Frigates &
Cruisers (cost), Siege Weapons & Mobile AA
(area damage, range)
United States = Citizens &
Fishing Boats (attack, speed), Civ - Buildings, Walls & Towers (build
time, cost),
Civ - Economy (gold, iron), Civ - General (pop
China = Citizens & Fishing
Boats (cost), Civ - General (pop cap)
Novaya Russia = Citizens &
Fishing Boats (cost, hit points), Civ - Buildings, Walls & Towers (hit
range), Civ - Economy (wood), Siege Weapons &
Mobile AA (hit points, range, rate of fire)
Rebel Forces = Citizens & Fishing
Boats (build time, range), Civ - Buildings, Walls & Towers (hit points),
Civ - Economy (iron), Civ - General (mountain
combat), Infantry Ranged (attack, range)
Japan = Citizens & Fishing
Boats (speed), Civ - Economy (iron), Civ - General (pop cap), Infantry
- Ranged
(armor, speed)
Korea = Civ - Economy (gold), Civ
- General (mountain combat), Infantry - Ranged (armor, hit points),
Siege Weapons & Mobile AA (range, rate of
Civilization Specific Powers*
For the Stone epoch, these civilizations have these powers:
Assyrian Empire = Slavery (I-XV)
Babylon = Priest Towers (I-XV)
Byzantine Rome = Insurance (I-XV)
Carthage = Pathfinding (I-XV)
Kingdom of Israel = Emissaries (I-XV)
England = Exploration (I-XV)
Kingdom of Italy = Metallurgy (I-XV)
Ottoman Empire = Expansionism (I-XV)
France = Camouflage (I-XV)
Russia = Advanced Mining (I-XV)
China = Just In Time Manufacturing (I-XV)
Rebel Forces = Cloaking (I-XV)
Korea = Fanaticism (I-XV)
* denotes unit/building only available in the Empire Earth - The Art of Conquest add-on pack.
Note: The color scheme of this epoch is blue on gray. Gray for stone and blue just because.